Mutares has already announced three exits in 2023. Analysts at Hauck and Aufhäuser IB believe another big exit could be coming soon. The recent sale is unlikely to have any real impact on the...
Bayer has Q and full-year 2022 data due Feb. 28. Goldman Sachs analysts don’t expect any big surprises based on the numbers. An agreement should be reached on both sales and adjusted operating profit....
We wczorajszym przeglądzie notowań akcji Commerzbanku przez inwestorów wskazywaliśmy na możliwość , że wartość MDAX może zacząć rosnąć w okolicach 8,1 euro. Choć kurs akcji w poniedziałek był stosunkowo spokojny , akcje Commerzbanku do...
Falling to EUR 56. 5, Verbio shares more or less closed the gap in the old chart since September 2022. The gap is part of a support zone that reaches 57.10/57.60 euros and held...
Crude oil prices rose more than 2% today after Russia announced plans to cut crude production by 500,000 barrels in March. „From today, we will sell all the oil we produce, but as we...
The JPY is the strongest and the Euro the weakest at the start of the North American session. JPY confirms its reaction to BOJ Governor Nikkei’s report that Kazuo Ueda will be appointed as...